Thursday, August 10, 2006

yahoo 10 years ago - share the laugh with me

Internet has gone long way over last years. Great way to experience it and look back is to use Internet Archive and it’s Wayback machine. It’s not new service but it’s worth to come back to it from time to time.

You can see your website evolving over the years. You can see one of the big famous ones - how they looked like 10 years ago. Take a look at yahoo website to have some laugh. That’s how it looked like in October 1996.

Also - if you want to check out the site that might be totally rewamped and changed and you want to check its content back in the past - this is your place. It doesn’t have all the possible days but has surprisingly lots of them, for great many sites. It claims to archive 55 billions of pages from 1996 till now.

Do you maybe know website that went even longer way from 1996? Share it here! Long live Internet! Long live Internet archive!