Monday, August 14, 2006

How companies can use blogs - part 3

Here is on the usage of blogs in marketing. Starting employee or corporate blog - if done right - is great booster for company brand. You get personal, open, friendly face on company image. You open discussion channel with customers which is always welcome. More about how and when to do this - in previous chapter of my guidelines below.

Here on the subject of adverblogs. These blogs are done often in a way that doesn’t clearly explain connection with company brand. They often use the fact that people explain in blogs their experience with products and services. Some companies try to fake such blogs to present positive image of company offerings.

The big threat here is that this abuses trust of customers and can really back-fire on company. The example can be ilovemyhptv blog (can you imagine that anyone actually trusting such blog?). Most people disliked this and lots of negative buzz was created. HP has taken down this site long time ago. BTW - Doesn’t anyone has idea where and how to still see it’s content?

In which cases you can effectively use adverblog?
  • Character blog supporting fiction person from movie, tv series, book… Example - blog of Incredible Hulk supporting the movie and comic. Imagine blogs on someone from movie or tv series that you like and follow (I like The Simpsons and would be interested in e.g. Homer Simpsons blog)
  • Some companies have character personalizing the brand - Duracell rabbit, Marlboro man (blog on his fight with lounges cancer maybe… , guys that shout “Whazzup!” in Bud light commercials. I’m not sure if these particular examples are best for blogs but I hope you get idea. In such cases - blog supporting such character supports brand as well. Good list of such characters is here.
  • Best if targeted at consumers, especially young consumers

Outside of such situations adverblogs with characters present more potential drawbacks than benefits. Be careful there before you try to hide your company involvement in blog!